Source code for multijob.commandline

# coding: utf8

"""Turn job objects into command line arguments and back again.

The usage of these functions is explained in more detail in the
:doc:`../parallelTutorial` tutorial.

You should use :func:`job_from_argv` and :func:`argv_from_job` to convert
between :class:`multijob.job.Job` instances and command line parameters.  These
functions use *typemaps* and *coercions*.

A typemap is a dictionary that maps named params to a specific coercion.

A coercion is a function that turns a string into a Python data type or back
(see :class:`Coercion`).

If you need to take more control over parsing, you can get convenient
random-access to the command line parameters via :class:`UnparsedArguments`, or
can apply a particular coercion to a string value via

To turn a job into a shell command, use :func:`shell_command_from_job`.
This uses the :func:`shell_word_from_string` function for escaping.

Example: Turning a list of job objects into a command line script:

    >>> from multijob.job import JobBuilder
    >>> def dummy(): pass
    >>> # create the jobs
    >>> builder = JobBuilder()
    >>> _ = builder.add('a', 2)
    >>> _ = builder.add_linspace('b', 1.0, 3.0, 3)
    >>> jobs =, repetitions=1)
    >>> # print the jobs
    >>> for job in jobs:
    ...     print(shell_command_from_job('./run-jobs', job))
    ./run-jobs --id=0 --rep=0 -- a=2 b=1.0
    ./run-jobs --id=1 --rep=0 -- a=2 b=2.0
    ./run-jobs --id=2 --rep=0 -- a=2 b=3.0

Example: Decoding arguments inside a script::

    >>> # define a worker function and a typemap for it
    >>> TYPEMAP = dict(a='int', b='float')
    >>> def worker(a, b):
    ...     return a * b
    >>> # argv = sys.argv
    >>> argv = ['./run-jobs', '--id=2', '--rep=0', '--', 'a=2', 'b=3.0']
    >>> # skip the first argument
    >>> argv = argv[1:]
    >>> # decode the job
    >>> job = job_from_argv(argv, worker, typemap=TYPEMAP)
    >>> # run the job
    >>> result =
    >>> result.result


import re

import multijob.job

def _parse_bool(value):
    """Parse a boolean string "True" or "False".


        >>> _parse_bool("True")
        >>> _parse_bool("False")
        >>> _parse_bool("glorp")
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Expected 'True' or 'False' but got 'glorp'

    if value == 'True':
        return True
    if value == 'False':
        return False
    raise ValueError("Expected 'True' or 'False' but got {!r}".format(value))

def _update_ex_message(ex, new_message, *args, **kwargs):
    """Given an exception, prepend something to its message.


        >>> ex = TypeError("bad type")
        >>> _update_ex_message(ex, "caught with x={}:", 42)
        >>> raise ex
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: caught with x=42:
        bad type


    new_message = new_message.format(*args, **kwargs)
    new_args = []
    new_args.append(new_message + "\n" + ex.args[0])
    ex.args = new_args

def _perform_coercion(name, value, coercion):
        return coercion(value)
    except ValueError as ex:
        _update_ex_message(ex, "Could not coerce {!r}={!r}:", name, value)

def _check_coercion(name, coercion, *, named_coercions):
    if named_coercions is not None:
        if isinstance(coercion, str):
            coercion = named_coercions[coercion]

    if coercion is None:
        return None

    if callable(coercion):
        return coercion

    raise TypeError(
        '{!r} coercion must be callable: {!r}'.format(name, coercion))

class _Default(object):
    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    def __repr__(self):
        return '_Default'

_Default = _Default()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class Coercion(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Coercion from command line args to Python objects. Coercions describe how command line arguments are converted to Python data types. This concept is used throughout the module documentation. Coercions are functions that take a single parameter (the string to be coerced) and return a single Python object. Coercions may also be *named*. Instead of supplying a callback, the coercion may be one of: - ``'str'`` - ``'int'`` - ``'float'`` - ``'bool'`` Example: coercion function:: >>> Coercion.of(int, paramname='x')('x', '42') 42 >>> Coercion.of(str, paramname='y')('y', '42') '42' Example: named coercion:: >>> Coercion.of('bool', paramname='p')('p', 'False') False >>> Coercion.of('float', paramname='f')('f', '4.2') 4.2 Example: coercions are coercions:: >>> a = Coercion.of(int, paramname='x') >>> Coercion.of(a, paramname='y') <multijob.commandline.Coercion object at 0x...> Example: coercion must be callable:: >>> Coercion.of(42, paramname='blorp') Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: 'blorp' coercion must be callable: 42 Example: explains error when coercion fails:: >>> def bad_coercion(value): ... raise ValueError("nope") ... >>> coercion = Coercion.of(bad_coercion, paramname='x') >>> coercion('x', '42') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Could not coerce 'x'='42': nope Example: propagates Nones:: >>> Coercion.of(None, paramname='x') is None True """ NAMED_COERCIONS = dict( str=str, int=int, float=float, bool=_parse_bool, ) __private = [] def __init__(self, _private, _parser): assert _private is Coercion.__private self._parser = _parser @staticmethod
[docs] def of(name_or_callable, *, paramname, named_coercions=_Default): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Create/check a coercion. Calling this functions turns a callable or named coercion into a proper coercion object with suitable error handling. Args: name_or_callable (str|Callable|Coercion): The coercion. paramname (str): The name of the parameter which we're going to coerce. This is only used for error messages. named_coercions (dict): Optional. Available named coercions. Defaults to ``Coercion.NAMED_COERCIONS``. Returns: Coercion: A coercion object with suitable error handling. Returns *None* if *name_or_callable* was *None*. """ if named_coercions is _Default: named_coercions = Coercion.NAMED_COERCIONS coercion = _check_coercion( paramname, name_or_callable, named_coercions=named_coercions) if coercion is None: return None if isinstance(coercion, Coercion): return coercion return Coercion(Coercion.__private, coercion)
def __call__(self, name, value): return _perform_coercion(name, value, self._parser)
[docs]def value_from_string(name, value, coercion): """Parse a value from a string with a given coercion. This function primarily adds error handling, and contains support for named coercions. Args: name (str): The name of this argument, needed for diagnostics. value (str): The string to coerce. coercion (Coercion): a :class:`Coercion`. See :meth:`Coercion.of` for details on acceptable values. Returns: the coerced value. Example: normal usage:: >>> value_from_string('x', '42', int) 42 Example: complains when no coercion was provided:: >>> value_from_string('y', '13', None) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: no coercion found for 'y'='13' """ coercion = Coercion.of(coercion, paramname=name) if coercion is None: raise TypeError("no coercion found for {!r}={!r}".format(name, value)) return coercion(name, value)
def _string_from_value(name, value, coercion): """Turn a value into a string, optionally with a given coercion. Example: normal usage:: >>> _string_from_value('x', 42, str) '42' Example: coercion defaults to str:: >>> _string_from_value('x', 42, None) '42' Example: coercion must be callable:: >>> _string_from_value('x', 42, 'int') Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: 'x' coercion must be callable: 'int' Example: reports error when coercion failed:: >>> class EvilValue(object): ... def __str__(self): ... raise ValueError("I don't want to go!") ... >>> _string_from_value('x', EvilValue(), str) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Could not coerce 'x'=<multijob.commandline.EvilValue object at 0x...>: I don't want to go! """ if coercion is None: coercion = str coercion = Coercion.of(coercion, paramname=name, named_coercions=None) return coercion(name, value) def _unparsed_dict_from_argv(argv): """Split command line arguments into a dict, without applying coercions. """ arg_dict = dict() for arg in argv: name, value = arg.split('=', 1) arg_dict[name] = value return arg_dict
[docs]class UnparsedArguments(object): """A collection of unnamed arguments. This may be useful if you have to do some parsing manually. Use :meth:`from_argv` to construct this object from an argv array. Args: args (dict): the name-value command line parameters. """ def __init__(self, args): self._args = dict(args) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_argv(argv): """Create UnparsedArguments from an argv array. """ return UnparsedArguments(_unparsed_dict_from_argv(argv))
[docs] def read(self, name, coercion): """Consume and coerce a named argument. Since the argument is consumed, it cannot be consumed again. Args: name (str): The name of the argument to consume. coercion (Coercion): The coercion to apply to this value. Returns: the coerced value. Raises: KeyError: when no such argument name exists. ValueError: when the value can't be coerced. """ try: value = self._args.pop(name) except KeyError: raise KeyError("expected {!r} in argv".format(name)) return value_from_string(name, value, coercion)
def __bool__(self): return bool(self._args) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._args)
def _dict_from_argv(argv, *, typemap, default_coercion=None): """Parse command line args to a dict. Example:: >>> argv = ['a=42', 'b=True', 'c=foo=bar', 'd=42'] >>> TYPEMAP = dict(a='int', b='bool', c='str', d='str') >>> argd = _dict_from_argv(argv, typemap=TYPEMAP) >>> for name in sorted(argd.keys()): ... value = argd[name] ... typename = type(value).__name__ ... print("{}: {} = {!r}".format(name, typename, value)) a: int = 42 b: bool = True c: str = 'foo=bar' d: str = '42' """ arg_dict = dict() unparsed = UnparsedArguments.from_argv(argv) for name in list(unparsed): coercion = typemap.get(name, default_coercion) value =, coercion) arg_dict[name] = value return arg_dict def _argv_from_dict(arg_dict, *, typemap=None, default_coercion=None): """Format a dict as command line args. Example:: >>> argd = dict(a=42, b=True, c='foo=bar', d='42') >>> _argv_from_dict(argd) ['a=42', 'b=True', 'c=foo=bar', 'd=42'] """ if typemap is None: typemap = {} argv = [] for name in sorted(arg_dict): value = arg_dict[name] coercion = typemap.get(name, default_coercion) coerced_value = _string_from_value(name, value, coercion) argv.append("{}={}".format(name, coerced_value)) return argv
[docs]class JobArgvConfig(object): """Specify how job parameters are encoded. Attributes: job_id_key (str): Name of the ``job_id`` attribute. repetition_id_key (str): Name of the ``repetition_id`` attribute. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, *, job_id_key, repetition_id_key): self.job_id_key = job_id_key self.repetition_id_key = repetition_id_key
DEFAULT_JOB_ARGV_CONFIG = JobArgvConfig( job_id_key='--id', repetition_id_key='--rep')
[docs]def argv_from_job(job, *, typemap=None, default_coercion=None, job_argv_config=None): r"""Format a job as command line arguments. To get a job object back from these arguments, use :func:`job_from_argv`. The ``job.callback`` will not be stored and will have to be provided explicitly when parsing the arguments. Args: job (multijob.job): The job to format. typemap (Typemap): Optional. Controls how individual params are formatted. default_coercion (Coercion): Optional. Controls how params without a typemap entry are formatted. job_argv_config (JobArgvConfig): Optional. Controls names of job attributes. Returns: list: The encoded params. Example: simple usage:: >>> from multijob.job import Job >>> def target(): pass >>> job = Job(42, 3, target, dict(a=42, b=True, c='foo')) >>> argv_from_job(job) ['--id=42', '--rep=3', '--', 'a=42', 'b=True', 'c=foo'] Example: storing a list:: >>> from multijob.job import Job >>> import csv >>> import io >>> def csv_line(items): ... out = io.StringIO() ... csv.writer(out).writerow(items) ... return out.getvalue().strip('\r\n') >>> def target(): ... pass >>> job = Job(3, 0, target, dict(xs=[1, 2, 3])) >>> argv_from_job(job, typemap=dict(xs=csv_line)) [..., '--', 'xs=1,2,3'] Example: customizing job format:: >>> from multijob.job import Job >>> conf = JobArgvConfig( ... job_id_key='--job-id', ... repetition_id_key='--nexecs') >>> job = Job(2, 7, lambda x: x, dict(a='b')) >>> argv_from_job(job, job_argv_config=conf) ['--job-id=2', '--nexecs=7', '--', 'a=b'] """ if job_argv_config is None: job_argv_config = DEFAULT_JOB_ARGV_CONFIG meta = _argv_from_dict({ job_argv_config.job_id_key: job.job_id, job_argv_config.repetition_id_key: job.repetition_id, }) params = _argv_from_dict(job.params, typemap=typemap, default_coercion=default_coercion) argv = [] argv.extend(meta) argv.append('--') argv.extend(params) return argv
[docs]def job_from_argv(argv, callback, *, typemap, default_coercion=None, job_argv_config=None): """Parse command line arguments into a job object. Args: argv (list): The arguments. callback (callable): A function to invoke with the params, see :class:`multijob.job.Job` for details. typemap (Typemap): Controls how individual params are parsed. default_coercion (Coercion): Optional. Controls how params without a typemap entry are formatted. job_argv_config (JobArgvConfig): Optional. Controls names of job attributes. Returns: multijob.job.Job: a runnable job with the params from this argv. Example: simple usage:: >>> def target(a, b, c): ... print("Args: a={!r}, b={!r}, c={!r}".format(a, b, c)) ... return "some value" ... >>> argv = ['--id=42', '--rep=3', '--', 'a=42', 'b=True', 'c=foo'] >>> TYPEMAP = dict(a='int', b='bool', c='str') >>> job = job_from_argv(argv, target, typemap=TYPEMAP) >>> (job.job_id, job.repetition_id) (42, 3) >>> result = Args: a=42, b=True, c='foo' >>> result <multijob.job.JobResult object at 0x...> Example: reading a list:: >>> import csv >>> def target(): ... pass >>> def csv_line(line): ... return [float(x) for x in list(csv.reader([line]))[0]] >>> argv = ['--id=3', '--rep=14', '--', 'xs=1.2,3.4,5.6'] >>> job = job_from_argv(argv, target, typemap=dict(xs=csv_line)) >>> job.params['xs'] [1.2, 3.4, 5.6] Example: customizing job format >>> def target(): ... pass >>> conf = JobArgvConfig( ... job_id_key='--job-id', ... repetition_id_key='--iteration') >>> argv = ['--job-id=15', '--iteration=2', '--', 'a=foo'] >>> job = job_from_argv(argv, target, ... typemap=dict(a=str), ... job_argv_config=conf) >>> (job.job_id, job.repetition_id, job.params) (15, 2, {'a': 'foo'}) """ if job_argv_config is None: job_argv_config = DEFAULT_JOB_ARGV_CONFIG try: separator_ix = argv.index('--') except ValueError: raise ValueError("no argument separator '--' found") meta_args = argv[:separator_ix] param_args = argv[separator_ix + 1:] raw_meta = UnparsedArguments.from_argv(meta_args) job_id =, int) repetition_id =, int) if raw_meta: keys = sorted(raw_meta) raise TypeError("unexpected meta args: {}".format(', '.join(keys))) params = _dict_from_argv(param_args, typemap=typemap, default_coercion=default_coercion) return multijob.job.Job(job_id, repetition_id, callback, params)
[docs]def shell_command_from_job(prefix, job, *, typemap=None, default_coercion=None, job_argv_config=None): """Turn a job into a shell command. Args: prefix (str): The command to be invoked. This is a shell script snippet and **will not be escaped**! You are responsible for preventing shell-injection. job (multijob.job.Job): The job to be encoded. typemap (Typemap): Optional. See :func:`argv_from_job`. default_coercion (Coercion): Optional. See :func:`argv_from_job`. job_argv_config (JobArgvConfig): Optional. See :func:`argv_from_job`. Returns: str: The job as a shell command. Example:: >>> job = multijob.job.Job(40, 2, lambda x: x, dict(y='foo bar')) >>> print(shell_command_from_job('$RUN_GA', job)) $RUN_GA --id=40 --rep=2 -- 'y=foo bar' """ job_argv = argv_from_job( job, typemap=typemap, default_coercion=default_coercion, job_argv_config=job_argv_config) return prefix + ' ' + ' '.join(shell_word_from_string(s) for s in job_argv)
SAFE_SHELL_WORDS_RE = re.compile(r'\A[-+a-zA-Z0-9_=!./]+\Z')
[docs]def shell_word_from_string(word): r"""Escape arguments for POSIX shells. Args: word (str): The word to escape. Returns: str: The safely escaped word. Example:: >>> print(shell_word_from_string("")) '' >>> print(shell_word_from_string("foo")) foo >>> print(shell_word_from_string("foo bar")) 'foo bar' >>> print(shell_word_from_string("foo'bar'baz")) 'foo'\''bar'\''baz' """ # Posix says: # # The application shall quote the following characters if they are to # represent themselves: # # | & ; < > ( ) $ ` \ " ' <space> <tab> <newline> # # and the following may need to be quoted under certain circumstances. # That is, these characters may be special depending on conditions # described elsewhere in this volume of POSIX.1-2008: # # * ? [ # ~ = % # # # # For command arguments the "=" does not need to be quoted. # That leaves us with a couple of safe characters, # see SAFE_SHELL_WORDS_RE # # All other words will be quoted. # # See also: if word == '': return "''" if SAFE_SHELL_WORDS_RE.match(word): return word return "'" + word.replace("'", r"'\''") + "'"